5 Ways to Secure Your Home While on Spring Break
It’s that time of year – spring break! Those of us in Indiana are looking to travel to warmer weather and that usually means leaving houses unattended. If you’re going out of town for an extended period of time, you’ll want peace of mind knowing that your home is secure. Our team at A1 Lock and Key LLC has put together five ways to help you feel safer about your trip.

1. Lock Everything
Alright, this one is pretty obvious, but a lot of homeowners forget to check a certain window or the back door that doesn’t get as much use. Before heading to the beach, ensure that every entry point to your home is secure. Of course, if any of your locks are faulty or need replacing, give us a call and we’ll be happy to help.
2. Alert the Post Office
A sure sign that someone is out of town is when their mailbox is filling up. Be sure to empty your mailbox before you leave, and either have a family member grab your mail for you, or contact the post office to put your mail on hold.
3. Avoid Facebook
In today’s world, posting your goings-on to various social media platforms is a daily occurrence. However, much like a full mailbox, showing the world that you are away from home could be a potential opportunity for burglars. Wait until you are back home to post the photos, or at the very least set your profiles to private and only share with those closest to you.
4. Pretend to Be Home
There are several ways to make it more difficult for someone to notice if your home is empty or not. Setting your lights up on a timer or using apps to turn on a TV or play music are great ways to imply someone is there. Leaving a car in the driveway is another great method, and doesn’t require as much setup.
5. Lock Boxes and Safes
In the unfortunate event that someone does manage to enter your home, you’ll want your valuables, such as important documents, jewelry, and firearms, to be as secure as possible. A safety deposit box or home safe can keep this type of bad situation from becoming worse.
At A1 Lock and Key, your safety is our highest priority. Contact us at (317) 775-0332 to find out more about our residential locksmith services. Additionally, we handle commercial and automotive locksmith services throughout the Indianapolis area.